Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Good Morning and Happy Holidays!!!

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas break just ahead, we are very busy. 

Math:  We are just finishing multiplication of decimals.  Starting tomorrow we will be looking at division.  The only way to master this concept is by practicing (a lot!).

Social Studies:  We are looking back at the origin of the thirteen colonies.  Many of the boys are anticipated The Revolutionary War, however, we must first look at how the colonies got their start and why they became disgruntled.  Students will be making a journal as if they were a child during this time period.  They will choose either the New England colonies, the middle colonies, or the southern colonies as their home and explain what their life was like.  More details will follow.

Communication Arts:  We will begin our descriptive writing at the end of the week.  Students will choose a picture and create a story to go along with that picture.  We have concluded our study on character and will begin discussing settings.

Dates to remember:

Thursday, December 1 - Character Choir
Saturday, December 3 -  Breakfast with Santa
Wednesday, December 7 - Early Release (1:40)
Thursday, December 15 - Winter Program for 4th and 5th grade (1:30)
Friday, December 16 - Second quarter ends; Classroom parties (2:00)
December 19 - January 3 - Winter break

**  Just a gentle reminder that the weather has turned cold and students should bring the appropriate attire.
**  If you are looking for stocking stuffers, think about new school supplies.  Many students are finding they are out of lead for their pencils, glue, and other supplies


"A teacher is better than two books." - German Proverb

I chose this quote because I have the best teacher ever (and I don't have to read).  Johnny Maddock

"You may be on the right track, but if you just sit there you'll get run over."  - Paul H. Dunn

I think this means that you shouldn't give up on what you're doing.  Brady Lange

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17

Communication Arts:  Students are doing a great with their MAP prep reading packets (ie:  The Lost Colony, Ben Franklin).  The next one is due on Tuesday, November 22nd.  We will not have one over Thanksgiving break.

Camp Wyman stories are in and are looking great!

Math:  We are learning about multiplying decimals and it is so much fun!!!  Actually, the students are doing surprisingly well.

Social Studies:  We are currently learning about the Early Explorers into North America.  We will have an open book test on Tuesday, November 22nd.  We are working on outlining chapters and taking notes from a text book.  Students should be familiar with Chapter 4 before they try to take the test.

No spelling next week and no reading logs next week!!

"Quote Corner"

"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.
No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."          Elbert Hubbard

This quote means to me that one man can achieve any goal if he believes in himself.
Mikey Carroll.

"Never lose a chance of saying a kind word."  William Makepeace Thackeray

I choose this quote because it's like not saying sorry when you are supposed to. Also if you like someones shirt you should be kind and say "I like your shirt" before you lose your chance.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011 (11-11-11)

Dearest parents,
Just a few reminders:  Academic All Stars - Monday - 7:30
                                                      * Reading logs due Monday
                                                      * Benjamin Franklin MAP packet due Tuesday
Next week is the middle of the second quarter!!!!  Time flies...
Progress reports will be sent home sometime next week.

* Please check with your child to see if they are in need of any supplies.  Many mechanical pencils are out of lead, erasers, etc.

**  Have a wonderful weekend and rest up!

**  If you are having trouble commenting on this blog, try to click on 'anonymous' in the drop down box.

"Quote Corner" -  "If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children." - Mahatma Gandhi

I like this quote because some of the children in our class don't have peace. I am trying to have them stop. I also LOVE peace and quiet!

Meredith Kennedy

      " Nothing is impossible to a willing heart"- John Heywood

   The reason I picked this quote is if there isn't anyone motivate you no one will ever get their goal. That is why I love Bob from Biggest Loser! Also I love to motivate people that are trying to get to their goal. I can't wait until I get to motivate again!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8

Upcoming Events:

Thursday:  Character Choir after school

Friday:       Veteran's Day Assembly - 9:15 in gym

Saturday:    PTP's Fall Boutique - 9:00 - 1:00 in gym

Monday:    Academic All Stars in the auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

Other news:

Math:  We will have a test on Friday over single and double digit multiplication.  Check out this fun website called "Turtlehead Multiplication".

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7

Our Social Studies test is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th.  We spent today reviewing.  Please make sure that your child brings their journals back to school so that they can use them for the test.

Communication Arts - students should bring back their reading packet titled, "The Lost Colony" by tomorrow.

Math -  We reviewed single digit multiplication today and completed our worksheet in class.  Tomorrow we will begin double digit multiplication.  Study those facts!!!

"Quote Corner"

"Volunteering is not a choice, its a responsibility" - Ashley E. Hyder
It is IMPORTANT that we volunteer - CADE FLUCHEL:)

"I am only one,but still am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do".  Edward Everett Hale
I think this means that we should do the best we can do and be proud of it.  Charlie Trimble

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Social Studies  - Our test over Chapter 3 has been moved to Tuesday, November 8th. We need more time to review.  Students may use their journals.  Please make sure that all the worksheets for this chapter are completed to help your child on the test.

Math -  We had a test over Chapter 6 yesterday.  We will begin Chapter 7 on Friday over multiple digit multiplication.  It is imperative that every child be comfortable with their multiplication facts in order to be successful in this chapter and beyond.  Please refer to the math websites listed for multiplication review and drills.
math-magician-games-2/Cached - Similar

Communication Arts - We have finished our study on 'plot' and we will begin studying 'characters' during reading. 
Camp Wyman stories are due on Thursday, Nov. 10.  Please ask your child how they are progressing on their stories.  They should have at least six paragraphs describing their experiences and activities during their three day camp.  They should include an introduction, a conclusion, details, and transitions.  These stories should be typed.  We are working on them during class as well.

"Quote Corner"

"If the going is real easy, beware,you may be headed down hill." (anonymous)
"I think of it with sports as if your not practicing hard enough games or competitions will go downhill.

" A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." (Walter Winchell)
It means that some friends aren't always your friend a true friend will always have your back.  By: Dawson

"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people." (John Andrew Holmes Jr.)
It  means that when you help people it shows how big your heart is. By: Dawson