Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Social Studies  - Our test over Chapter 3 has been moved to Tuesday, November 8th. We need more time to review.  Students may use their journals.  Please make sure that all the worksheets for this chapter are completed to help your child on the test.

Math -  We had a test over Chapter 6 yesterday.  We will begin Chapter 7 on Friday over multiple digit multiplication.  It is imperative that every child be comfortable with their multiplication facts in order to be successful in this chapter and beyond.  Please refer to the math websites listed for multiplication review and drills.
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Communication Arts - We have finished our study on 'plot' and we will begin studying 'characters' during reading. 
Camp Wyman stories are due on Thursday, Nov. 10.  Please ask your child how they are progressing on their stories.  They should have at least six paragraphs describing their experiences and activities during their three day camp.  They should include an introduction, a conclusion, details, and transitions.  These stories should be typed.  We are working on them during class as well.

"Quote Corner"

"If the going is real easy, beware,you may be headed down hill." (anonymous)
"I think of it with sports as if your not practicing hard enough games or competitions will go downhill.

" A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." (Walter Winchell)
It means that some friends aren't always your friend a true friend will always have your back.  By: Dawson

"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people." (John Andrew Holmes Jr.)
It  means that when you help people it shows how big your heart is. By: Dawson

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