Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Good Morning and Happy Holidays!!!

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas break just ahead, we are very busy. 

Math:  We are just finishing multiplication of decimals.  Starting tomorrow we will be looking at division.  The only way to master this concept is by practicing (a lot!).

Social Studies:  We are looking back at the origin of the thirteen colonies.  Many of the boys are anticipated The Revolutionary War, however, we must first look at how the colonies got their start and why they became disgruntled.  Students will be making a journal as if they were a child during this time period.  They will choose either the New England colonies, the middle colonies, or the southern colonies as their home and explain what their life was like.  More details will follow.

Communication Arts:  We will begin our descriptive writing at the end of the week.  Students will choose a picture and create a story to go along with that picture.  We have concluded our study on character and will begin discussing settings.

Dates to remember:

Thursday, December 1 - Character Choir
Saturday, December 3 -  Breakfast with Santa
Wednesday, December 7 - Early Release (1:40)
Thursday, December 15 - Winter Program for 4th and 5th grade (1:30)
Friday, December 16 - Second quarter ends; Classroom parties (2:00)
December 19 - January 3 - Winter break

**  Just a gentle reminder that the weather has turned cold and students should bring the appropriate attire.
**  If you are looking for stocking stuffers, think about new school supplies.  Many students are finding they are out of lead for their pencils, glue, and other supplies


"A teacher is better than two books." - German Proverb

I chose this quote because I have the best teacher ever (and I don't have to read).  Johnny Maddock

"You may be on the right track, but if you just sit there you'll get run over."  - Paul H. Dunn

I think this means that you shouldn't give up on what you're doing.  Brady Lange

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